Cardamom Essential Oil – Make Your Own (DIY)

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Recipe For Essential Oil

Essential oil is a healthy alternative to traditional household products. Cardamom oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and inflammation. It is also known for its benefits in treating anxiety, depression, arthritis, and other conditions. Cardamom is a spice that is used in many different Indian dishes.

You can use it as an essential oil or add it to your cooking.

Essential oil is a healthy alternative to traditional household products. Cardamom oil is one of the best oils that you can use and if you are looking for a quick way to make your own cardamom essential oil, this article will provide all the instructions you need!

How To Make Cardamom Essential Oil

Making your own (DIY) cardamom essential oil is easy and can be a fun project! This essential oil is great for adding a warm, exotic scent to your favorite products. Here are the steps to making your own cardamom essential oil:

  1. Start by harvesting the cardamom pods from your desired plant. Be sure to get the green pods as these will be used for the essential oil, while the brown pods will be used for curing purposes.
  2. Place the cardamom pods into a pot and cover them with water. Bring the water to a boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Carefully remove the pods from the water and place them into a blender or food processor. Add just enough cold water to cover the pods and blend until smooth.
  4. Pour the mixture into a small container and let it cool down before using. Store your homemade cardamom essential oil in a cool, dark place.

Benefits Of Using Cardamom Oil

Cardamom oil is a common ingredient in many Indian dishes. It has a long history of being used medicinally and is known for its benefits in treating anxiety, depression, arthritis, and other conditions. Here are five reasons why you should start using cardamom oil in your own home:

Cardamom oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and inflammation.

  •  It can improve blood circulation and help improve the symptoms of arthritis.
  • It has antibacterial properties that can help fight infection.
  • It has anti-oxidant properties that can help protect against damage caused by free radicals.
  • It has a warming effect that can help relieve cold symptoms and aid in the healing process.

How To Use Cardamom Essential Oil

If you like the taste of cardamom, you’re going to love how it smells and how it works. Cardamom is a spice that is used in many different dishes. You can use it as an essential oil or add it to your cooking. Here’s how to make your own cardamom essential oil:

  1. Start by heating up some water in a pot on the stovetop. Add the ground cardamom pod and let it steep for about 10 minutes.
  2. After the time has passed, strain the liquid and pour it into a glass container. Allow the essential oil to cool before using it.
  3. To use the essential oil, pour a few drops into your hands and rub them together to distribute the scent. You can also place a few drops of the oil on a piece of paper and inhale its aroma deeply.


If you love the aroma of cardamom, but don’t want to shell out for a bottle every time you need some, this DIY project is for you! All you need is some cardamom pods and a bottle of carrier oil like jojoba or olive oil. Simply place the cardamom pods in the bottle and fill it with your chosen oil. Then just wait until the oils have blended together and voila – you have yourself an aromatic essential oil that will leave your home smelling like Indian spices!

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