Atlas Cedarwood Essential Oil – Make Your Own (DIY)

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Recipe For Essential Oil

To create Atlas Cedarwood essential oil, you will need fresh cedarwood chips or shavings, a carrier oil (such as jojoba oil or almond oil), a glass jar with a lid, a strainer or cheesecloth, and a dark-colored glass bottle for storage. Here’s a step-by-step recipe for making Atlas Cedarwood essential oil:

1. Gather the ingredients: Obtain a sufficient amount of fresh cedarwood chips or shavings. The exact quantity will depend on how much oil you wish to make.

2. Preparing the cedarwood: Ensure that the cedarwood chips or shavings are clean and free from any dirt or debris. Remove any large pieces of bark or impurities.

3. Grinding or crushing the cedarwood: If using larger cedarwood chips, you can use a mortar and pestle or a clean spice grinder to grind them into smaller pieces. Crushing or grinding the cedarwood helps release its aromatic oils.

4. Preparing the carrier oil: Select your preferred carrier oil (e.g., jojoba oil, almond oil, or another suitable carrier oil). Pour the carrier oil into a glass jar, leaving enough room to add the ground or crushed cedarwood.

5. Combining the ingredients: Add the ground or crushed cedarwood to the glass jar containing the carrier oil. Stir gently to ensure the cedarwood is well-distributed in the oil.

6. Infusion period: Seal the glass jar tightly with a lid and place it in a cool, dark location. Allow the cedarwood to infuse in the carrier oil for at least two to four weeks. During this time, the oil will absorb the aroma and therapeutic properties of the cedarwood.

7. Daily agitation: Shake or stir the jar gently once a day during the infusion period. This helps to promote the infusion process and distribute the essential oils within the carrier oil.

8. Straining the oil: After the infusion period, strain the oil to separate the carrier oil from the cedarwood. Use a fine-mesh strainer or a cheesecloth to filter out the solid particles. Squeeze the cheesecloth or press the cedarwood gently to extract any remaining oil.

9. Storage: Transfer the strained Atlas Cedarwood essential oil into a dark-colored glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Dark glass helps protect the oil from light degradation. Label the bottle with the name and date.

10. Final storage: Store the Atlas Cedarwood essential oil in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. This will help preserve its aroma and properties.

Please note that this recipe describes an infusion method suitable for making a cedarwood-infused carrier oil rather than a true essential oil. The process of steam distillation or other extraction methods is necessary for obtaining the concentrated essential oil from cedarwood.

Atlas Cedarwood essential oil is a valuable addition to any DIY essential oil collection. Known for its anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, this essential oil offers a wide range of benefits. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a great choice for soothing skin irritations and reducing joint pain.

In addition, it can help improve mood and cognitive function, making it a popular choice for aromatherapy.

Making your own Atlas Cedarwood essential oil is a simple process that can be done at home. By combining carrier oil, fresh cedarwood, dried lavender buds, and Atlas Cedarwood essential oil, you can create a high-quality essential oil that can be used in a variety of ways.

Whether you choose to use it as a diffuser blend, topical treatment, or natural air freshener, this essential oil is sure to enhance your well-being. Remember to seek professional help for any medical symptoms and always consult with a certified aromatherapist or essential oil expert before use.

What is it?

Atlas Cedarwood essential oil is a homemade product that can be made by combining carrier oil, fresh cedarwood, dried lavender buds, and Atlas Cedarwood essential oil.

This essential oil is known for its anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, making it a popular choice among DIY enthusiasts.

The benefits of Atlas Cedarwood essential oil include its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and soothe irritated skin. Additionally, it has been found to improve mood and cognitive function, making it a great addition to diffuser blends or topical treatments.

DIY recipes using Atlas Cedarwood essential oil include creating a natural air freshener or using it as a natural insect repellent.

It is important to note that for any medical symptoms, seeking professional help is recommended.

Benefits and Uses

The benefits and uses of Atlas Cedarwood essential oil include its anti-inflammatory properties, improvement of mood and cognitive function, and its effectiveness as a natural insect repellent.

  1. Improving cognitive function: Atlas Cedarwood essential oil has been found to have properties that can enhance cognitive function. It may help improve focus, memory, and overall mental clarity.
  2. Natural insect repellent: The scent of Atlas Cedarwood essential oil is known to repel insects naturally. It can be used as a natural alternative to chemical-based insect repellents. Simply dilute a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil and apply it to exposed skin to keep bugs away.
  3. Anti-inflammatory properties: Atlas Cedarwood essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body. This can be beneficial for those suffering from conditions such as arthritis or muscle pain.

Overall, Atlas Cedarwood essential oil is a versatile and beneficial oil that can be used for improving cognitive function, repelling insects naturally, and reducing inflammation in the body.

Making the Essential Oil

One method of creating Atlas Cedarwood essential oil involves combining a carrier oil, fresh cedarwood, dried lavender buds, and drops of Atlas Cedarwood essential oil.

The carrier oil serves as a base for diluting the cedarwood and lavender, allowing for safe and effective use of the essential oil. When choosing a carrier oil, it is important to consider factors such as skin type and desired therapeutic effects. Some commonly used carrier oils include jojoba oil, almond oil, and coconut oil. Each carrier oil has its own unique properties and benefits, so it is recommended to research and select the most suitable one for your needs.

Tips for extraction include thoroughly chopping the fresh cedarwood and allowing it to infuse in the carrier oil for a period of time, usually around two weeks, in a cool and dark environment. This process allows for the extraction of the beneficial compounds present in the cedarwood, resulting in a potent essential oil.

Tips for Usage

To effectively utilize the Atlas Cedarwood essential oil, it is important to consider various tips for its usage.

When using this oil in diffuser blends, it blends well with oils like lavender, bergamot, and citrus oils to create a calming and uplifting atmosphere.

Additionally, it can be used as a natural air freshener by adding a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water and misting it around the room. This not only freshens the air but also helps to repel insects due to its natural insect repellent properties.

It is important to note that when using essential oils, it is always recommended to dilute them properly and perform a patch test before applying topically.

Seek Professional Help

Seeking professional assistance is highly recommended when dealing with any medical symptoms or concerns. While Atlas Cedarwood essential oil has various benefits and can be used in different ways, it is important to understand that it is not a substitute for medical treatment. If you are experiencing persistent or severe symptoms, it is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner. They can accurately diagnose your condition and provide appropriate treatment options.

Additionally, if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication, it is essential to seek professional guidance before using essential oils, including Atlas Cedarwood. A certified aromatherapist or aromatherapy expert can provide valuable advice on the safe and effective use of essential oils.

Ultimately, finding a qualified practitioner who can address your medical concerns is essential for your overall well-being.


In conclusion, Atlas Cedarwood essential oil is a versatile and beneficial oil that can be easily made at home. Its anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable addition to any natural health and wellness routine.

Whether used as a diffuser blend, topical treatment, or natural air freshener, Atlas Cedarwood essential oil offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Remember to seek professional help for any medical symptoms and consult with a certified aromatherapist or essential oil expert for personalized advice.

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