Angelica Root Essential Oil – Make Your Own (DIY)

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Recipe For Essential Oil

Creating essential oil from Angelica Root requires a more complex process called steam distillation. It involves distilling the essential oil from the plant material using steam. Here’s a general step-by-step recipe for making Angelica Root essential oil through steam distillation:

  1. Obtain Angelica Root plant material: Collect fresh Angelica Root roots or dried roots. You will need a sufficient amount to fill the distillation apparatus.
  2. Set up the distillation apparatus: Assemble a steam distillation apparatus, which typically includes a distillation flask, a condenser, and a collection vessel. Ensure that the equipment is clean and in good working condition.
  3. Prepare the plant material: If using fresh Angelica Root roots, clean them thoroughly and remove any dirt or impurities. If using dried roots, ensure they are fully dried and free from moisture.
  4. Chop or grind the roots: Cut the Angelica Root roots into small pieces or grind them into a coarse powder. This will increase the surface area and facilitate the extraction of essential oil.
  5. Load the plant material into the distillation flask: Fill the distillation flask with the chopped or ground Angelica Root roots. Do not pack it too tightly, as it should have room to expand during distillation.
  6. Add water to the distillation flask: Pour enough water into the distillation flask to cover the plant material. The water will be heated to produce steam, which will carry the essential oil.
  7. Connect the condenser: Attach the condenser to the distillation flask, ensuring a proper seal. The condenser will cool the steam, causing it to condense into liquid form.
  8. Heat the distillation flask: Place the distillation flask on a heat source, such as a hot plate or stove. Gradually increase the heat to bring the water in the flask to a gentle boil.
  9. Collect the essential oil: As the water heats up and turns into steam, it will pass through the plant material, vaporizing the essential oil. The steam and essential oil will then flow through the condenser, where they will cool and condense. The condensed liquid will collect in the collection vessel.
  10. Separate the essential oil: Once the distillation process is complete, carefully separate the essential oil from the collected liquid. Since essential oils are lighter than water, they will float on top. Gently skim or drain off the essential oil using a dropper or a separating funnel.
  11. Filter and store the essential oil: To remove any impurities or water residue, filter the essential oil through a funnel lined with a coffee filter or a fine-mesh sieve. Transfer the filtered essential oil into a dark-colored glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.

Please note that steam distillation can be a complex process, and it’s recommended to have proper knowledge and equipment to ensure safety and optimal results. If you’re not experienced with steam distillation, it’s advisable to consult an expert or consider purchasing Angelica Root essential oil from reputable suppliers.

Angelica root essential oil is a valuable and versatile oil derived from the roots of Angelica Sinensis plants. This essential oil is widely used in skincare and hair care products, as well as in culinary applications due to its sweet and balsamic flavor.

It is also renowned for its potential health benefits, particularly in treating anxiety, depression, and fatigue. In this article, we will explore the process of making angelica root essential oil at home through a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach. We will delve into the extraction process, including the necessary steps of harvesting, soaking, and drying the roots before extracting the oil.

Furthermore, we will discuss the various application methods for this essential oil, whether it be through diffusion or topical use. Lastly, we will outline safety precautions to ensure the responsible and effective usage of angelica root essential oil.

By following these instructions, you can easily create your angelica root essential oil, providing you with a natural remedy for health and beauty needs.

What is it?

Angelica root essential oil is a botanical extract derived from the roots of Angelica Sinensis plants, commonly used in skincare, hair care, and as a flavoring agent. It is believed to have potential benefits for anxiety, depression, and skin conditions.

When using angelica root essential oil, it is important to know how to use it effectively. It can be used topically by diluting it in a carrier oil and applying it to the skin to address skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Additionally, it can be added to a diffuser or aromatherapy pillowcase for its calming effects.

Angelica root essential oil can also be used in different recipes to enhance the flavor of ginseng tea or add a sweet, balsamic flavor to dishes like pizza, burgers, soups, or salad dressings.

Benefits and Uses

The benefits and uses of angelica root essential oil include its potential for treating anxiety, depression, and skin conditions, improving mental clarity and focus, and promoting overall well-being. Angelica root essential oil has been used for centuries to enhance well-being and soothe skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

It is believed to have calming effects and can be used in a diffuser or aromatherapy pillowcase to reduce stress levels and alleviate mental fog. When applied topically, it should be diluted in a carrier oil to address skin conditions effectively.

In addition, angelica root essential oil can be taken as a tincture for quick relief from stress or pain. It can also be added to hot water to aid in optimal absorption. Furthermore, inhaling the oil can help clear sinuses and lungs and reduce inflammation in the body.

Treats anxiety and depressionDiffuser or aromatherapy pillowcase
Soothes skin conditionsTopical application after dilution
Improves mental clarity and focusTincture for quick relief
Promotes overall well-beingHot water for absorption
Clears sinuses and lungsInhalation

Extraction Process

The extraction process of angelica root essential oil involves harvesting the root and extracting the oil through a series of steps such as soaking, drying, heating, and simmering, resulting in a natural and effective oil known for its numerous health and skincare benefits.

To extract the oil, the angelica root needs to be fresh and free from any dirt or dust. It is first soaked in cold water for 30 minutes to remove impurities. Then, the root is washed with cool water and heated in a pan until it releases its oils. The oil is left to simmer for approximately 30 minutes before being cooled and poured into a glass bottle.

Angelica root oil can be used in various ways, such as topically to address skin conditions or in a diffuser for its calming effects. It is often diluted in carrier oil before application.

Application Methods

One popular way to utilize angelica root essential oil is through a topical application on the skin to address various skin conditions and promote overall skin health. This can be done by diluting the essential oil in a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil before applying it to the skin. Different essential oil blends can be created for specific applications, such as adding lavender or tea tree oil for acne-prone skin or geranium oil for dry or mature skin.

When it comes to application methods, there are several options to consider. One common method is to apply the diluted oil directly to the affected area using gentle massage motions. Another option is to add a few drops of the essential oil to a warm bath for a relaxing and skin-nourishing soak. Additionally, angelica root essential oil can be used in a diffuser or as a room spray to enjoy its aromatic benefits and create a soothing atmosphere.

By exploring different application methods and blends, individuals can customize their use of angelica root essential oil to address their specific skin concerns and preferences.

Safety and Precautions

Safety and precautions should be taken into consideration when using angelica root essential oil to ensure proper usage and minimize any potential risks.

While angelica root essential oil is generally safe to use, it is important to be aware of potential side effects, contraindications, and warnings. Some individuals may experience skin irritation or allergic reactions when using angelica root essential oil topically. It is recommended to perform a patch test before applying it to a larger area of the skin.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using angelica root essential oil, as it may have hormonal effects. Additionally, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or bleeding disorders, should consult with a healthcare professional before using angelica root essential oil, as it may interact with certain medications or exacerbate these conditions.

It is always advisable to use essential oils with caution and seek professional guidance if experiencing troubling medical symptoms.


In conclusion, angelica root essential oil is a valuable ingredient for skincare, hair care, and flavoring purposes. With its sweet and balsamic flavor, it adds a unique touch to various products.

This essential oil is known for its potential health benefits, including anxiety and depression relief, as well as improving mental clarity and focus. The extraction process involves harvesting fresh roots, soaking them in cold water, and then drying them before extracting the oil.

Angelica root oil can be applied topically or used in diffusers, making it a versatile option for both health and beauty needs. However, it is important to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines when using this essential oil.

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